Thursday, January 14, 2010


I do not claim to be a complete and utter animal lover. I love my dog, I like a lot of other people's dogs a whole lot, but that's about as far as I go. I'm not a super fan of cats (I'm convinced they are all trying to kill me by a slow torturous sneezy asphyxiation). But since I got my dog here with me, I've been much more aware of the humane society, animal abuse news and I can't read a book about a stray or abused animal, let alone a dog, without welling up a little (seriously, Shiloh, I don't think I can finish it). And ever time I see a commercial or hear a plea from the ASPCA, I want to give all my worldly goods to help them.

We originally adopted Bailey from the SPCA, which I why I'm on a little soap box right now.

Only a person with an iron heart can not be effected when you see those sad, often abused and abandoned eyes on the TV. Asking nothing but to be loved. It disturbs me so much that there are people who abuse, neglect and abandon their pets. I know there are times you have to give a pet up, allergies, it doesn't get along with your kids, or you leave your fiance and your parents who let you live at home rent free don't relent for months. But those are different situations, and (I hope) a heart breaking choice, and it's your last and only option.

So every time I see those commercials, I look at my spazzy dog peacefully curled up in a ball. She drives me nuts a lot, but she's same loving dog I helped raise as a puppy and she's so excited to see me come home her whole butt shakes, that my heart swells. I rub behind her ears (she loves that), and tell her: I don't understand how anyone could be that cruel, but I promise I will never hurt you. And I will never leave you again.

Updated 01/15/10: The (local) Humane Society just sent a request for donations letter. Yep, I'm giving. Not a lot, but hey, I'm trying to help when I can.

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