Thursday, December 5, 2019



On November 24, this little lady:
turned FOUR!
We threw her a Frozen II birthday party at the movie theater and I sanctimommied it UP. Not only did we see the movie, there was:
- the Frozen II theme -
- a craft/activity -
- a homemade ombre cake (inside and out!) - 
- individual ice cream in party muffin wrappers - 
- I used my one party trick of cutting the cake with floss -
You may observe my momming prowess here: 
A very happy birthday girl and her (honestly very happy to do all this) mommy 

Everyone had a wonderful time and the party was a huge success. Then after the very successful party/movie we went out to dinner, where the birthday girl threw a mild tantrum and the baby had french fries and oreos for dinner.  
A carb and sugar filled baby
It's all about the balance I suppose. Whatever.
Happy Birthday Little Turkey!