Sunday, January 31, 2010

Commercial Hit? I Don't Think So

I may be completely wrong about this, but whatever.

I don't think that music albums that are advertised on tv will be any good. It doesn't matter if the reviews are good or if the artist is actually talented enough, I immediately discount it to the likes of infomercial quality and well, no.

My theory, if you have enough of a fan base, you don't need to advertise, let alone have a commercial, to garner publicity.

I'm not really a music person to begin with and since I don't actually buy music, this is not a problem for the artist attempting to get the sales. Maybe the album is worth my while, maybe not. If I care enough to find out, I'll just check it out from the library. (oh I totally put stuff from there in my itunes. I haven't bought music from apple in a year!)

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