Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Moving On

I found my favorite picture from the night I got engaged. It's actually one of my favorite pictures of us in general. Our heads are tucked together, neither of us looking at the camera because we're both looking at my newly ringed finger. It was a random shot, but it was a moment between us to just be ours.

Two months ago I couldn't bring myself to open that picture box. Finding any picture, especially that one, I would have burst into tears and fallen down the disappointment spiral. But I still would have been unable to let the picture go regardless.

Sunday I opened the box and found it. I held it in my hands and stared at it for a while, remembering the happier times. And I sighed and thought, "you know, this could have been. ::pause:: But now it's going to be so much better." Without a tear, regret, bitter or sadness. Just an acknowledgment of my past.

I'm keeping the picture for now, it was and always will be a big moment in my life. But before I put it back in the box I wrote that thought, verbatim, on the back of it. Because it is going to be so much better. In fact, it already is.

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