Sunday, April 19, 2009

Family Planning

I know I am going to ruffle a lot of feathers here, but I don't care

I don't "get" accidental pregnancies. As easy as it is to get pregnant, it's just as easy to not get pregnant. We're not in '60's when you had to be married to get a prescription for birth control. And even if you don't have a doctor to write you one, there's always the drugstore/pharmacy to get other prevention methods. And if that doesn't happen (sheesh, precaution people) there's Plan B.

I know accident's happen. And I know that nothing is 100% effective (except abstinence and we all know those programs are worthless). But if you use things correctly, and that includes paying attention to the possible weakeners (like smoking while on the pill, or listening to your Dr when they say use a back up method while on an antibiotic), there's a 98%-99% chance of effectiveness. Those are really good odds don't you think? And it's not exactly rocket science to use things properly.

So when I hear of someone accidentally getting pregnant (usually out of wedlock), my first thought is not: oh congratulations! No, my reaction is: oops for you. Sometimes it does work out and kids get un-bastardized when mommy and daddy make the legal commitment because, apparently, having a child isn't a big enough commitment for some people. But most times, it's single parenthood during the kids most developmental years. And I also don't feel that sorry for them when I hear how hard single parenthood is. Because you know what? It's a choice you willing made. You could have prevented this to begin with, and even after those 2 pink lines appeared, you still had a choice. Yes I'm pro-choice. And pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion, it means choice.

Now I know I'm not invincible, and this could very well happen to me. It has happened to a few people I know too. I will always advocate the choice option, no matter what. But in 10 years (when I'm in my upper 30's) who knows where I'll be with my own family planning. And if I don't have the husband, 2.5 kids, dog and white picket fence, I might start looking into single parenthood somehow. And an oops could happen, because well, there is always that chance. But I'm not going to feel that sorry for myself or anyone else for that matter.

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