Now normally I don't like putting pictures up of myself in general. Because then people can see what I look like. And I especially don't put pictures up where I am:
- Am wearing absolutely no makeup
- Am really sweaty
- Am tired
As we know, my goal was to simply finish and not die. Which I did (obviously or I wouldn't be blogging and you would be very sad if I died too).
My chip time was 2:27:19, which makes my average pace an 11:15 minute mile. I feel really good about that. I didn't shave off any time, in fact, I added almost 2.5 minutes to my previous one (my Pig time was 2:25:06), but I don't mind. The big difference with this one is that I actually ran most of it (instead of walking the hills, and the first 8 miles of the Pig? All hill) and I finished a lot stronger too. I want to say that I ran 11.5-12 of the 13.1 miles.
The Derby Mini I was a lot more regulated and controlled, sticking close to a pace group helped a lot with that. And I was in better shaped going into it too. This time around I built more core/back/arm strength in my training routine so I was more evenly balanced. I took it easy in the beginning and I ran it fairly conservatively because the heat was climbing rapidly (a lot of runners collapsed because of it).
Today I'm not too sore, my legs are tired and my feet even more so, but I expected that. It's mostly my between my shoulder blades and middle back that hurts the most, nothing that a little ibuprofen can't fix. I'm able to move around like a normal person, just a little slower.
I did it! I did it! Go me!
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