Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Heads up

Whenever I get a new serious boyfriend/husband (whoever he may be), I think it's fair I establish these rules just so everyone's (mainly mine) life is more pleasant.
  • All my ideas are good ideas.
  • I am right 90% of the time. The other 10% can be broken down as such: 8% I am very close to right, and on the 2% chance I am wrong, it is quite possibly an epic fail
  • It saves time if you just agree with me.
  • If I say "guess" I actually do want you to guess.
  • I tend to pout when I don't get my way. I also result to sulking and whining if not-my-way is egregious enough.
  • I'm not "cool." I am a dork and a spazz. And when combined, I am a spork.
  • I'm high strung, hence the spaz quality.
  • If I am not talking to you, yes, I am mad. And no I will not tell you why.
  • I will not workout/run/exercise with you. I don't like people in general to see me sweat
  • I flip through my radio stations every 15 seconds. It's annoying. But you are not allowed to play with my radio regardless (I won't play with yours though to be fair).
  • I flip through commercials the same way too.
  • I will randomly continue a conversation you think ended 3 hours ago.
  • When I drink, I will at some point want to take off my heals and expect you to carry me.
  • Half my communication skills are random noises and facial expressions. You will need to learn what they are, interpret, and act quickly.
  • I get cranky if I don't eat, when I'm tired or I'm too hot or cold. I am difficult if I am 2 combined. Heaven help you if I am all 3.
I admit to being high maintenance and (sometimes) a lot of trouble. But I also am thoughtful, fun, nice and I make pretty arm candy. So I'm worth it.

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