Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why I love pills

Yesterday morning I woke up with the worst cramps I've had in years. They were debilitating, that's how bad they were. It took every ounce of me to crawl to the bathroom, and find the bottle of ibuprofen. And then I couldn't even pull myself up to turn on the faucet for the sink. So I collapsed back onto the bathroom floor. I managed to crawl back to my bedroom, but by this time, I'm wailing for my mom, who brings me the heating pad and a bottle of water.

Twenty minutes later, the pills kicked in, and the pain went away. Away enough that I could function the rest of the day. But I seriously thought I was going to spend the day curled up the bathroom floor, shaking, sweating, and crying for my mom. Instead, I spent it doing somewhat productive things (like homework) because the drugs kicked in 20 minutes later. And that is why I will always love pills. Over the counter or prescription, I don't care, I love you all.

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