Monday, January 19, 2009

I made a mistake

I picked up my dog yesterday from the ex, both of whom I hadn't seen since the end of August. The plan is to find my dog a new home here since the ex can't take care of her. Actually he can, he just won't. And as bitter frosting on my bitter cake, this bratty boy still has his old dog, who he doesn't have to take care of, and meanwhile, I'm moving her here to Lexington only to give her up again. I can't even keep her while I'm looking for a home for her, she's staying at my friend's until she gets relocated. (one day I'll tell you how awesome this friend is, because she truly is amazing)

My parent's agreed to let me keep her for one night before I took her to my friends house. And I shouldn't have done that. I foolishly hoped they would fall in love with her too and let me keep her. I have my mom on that page, but my dad is firmly holding his no dog stance. Any dog. Even though he tolerated my dog, I can't have her. I should have taken her strait to my friend's. Or I should have left her in Cincinnati to her fate as a pound dog. Because having her for not even 24 hours was a colossal mistake. It just reminded me of what I can't have. And simply put, I'm a mess again.

Once I said part of being a big girl means not getting everything you want. And while it sucks, it's life and you deal with it somehow. Granted being a little kid doesn't mean the oposite. But it sure was easier being a little kid. Things didn't hurt so much for me then.

1 comment:

Sourire11 said...

Oh Sarah. I don't even know what to say. At least the hard part is the dog and not the guy. I'd say it's progress that what tore you up about this situation was giving her up and not giving Mark up. That said it has to be heartbreaking. Here's hoping you find her a nice new family to love.