Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Day Don Pablos was Ruined

I heart Don Pablo's. Thursday nights are half priced house margaritas all day throughout the restaurant. And the house margarita is like poolside. When I was a nubile 20 year old, my older friends would all order margaritas and then place them in between us, and I would "accidentally" drink them. I liked this tradition, and so did the rest of the chapter. But eventually, I was one of the older members, and there were more underagers then "accidentally sharing" allowed. Which does lessen the luster of margarita happiness (in public).

One Tuesday, we had a dinner meeting there, mainly because us old people (by old I mean 22) insisted on it. Margaritas were half priced from 6-9 after all! It was a fairly cold and rainy day in mid October. I had just come back from Cleveland from being in my friend's super fun wedding, but I was weddinged out. Seriously. Jeanne's wedding was an event, I needed to decompress from the whole bridesmaid duties.

But I was sitting across from Susan (name change), who was engaged (w/a not big enough ring according to her) and wanted a blow by blow of Jeanne's to compare notes. And next to me at the head of the table was Jackie (name change), who wanted to share everything about her wedding, which she seriously had the entire thing planned. The only thing she needed was the actual fiance and to put money down. And her king of the douch bags boyfriend didn't even propose until 2 years later. (Not to mention all of us she "forgot" to invite. But that's probably a good idea, because I would have mocked her back fat rolls and 3 chins all the way down the aisle).

So it's a cold rainy night, on my left I have 19 year olds bitching about not getting a margarita, I have a one sided pissing war across from me, a pretend lavender wedding to the right of me. And my margarita was empty and full price (since the waitress was a twat and "forgot" to inform us that to get the half priced margaritas we had to go to the bar to get them, ergo, bumping up her ticket sales. Right, guess who didn't get a good tip?) It was the day Don Pablo's was ruined.
It was a very sad day for Sarah.

Fortunately, time has passed and the Dan Pablo's love has been restored. But I sure as hell ask the server if it's happy hour at the table now.

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