Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Seriously, I Just Don't Care

Part of my lab homework was to write a procedure for the experiment we did. Which at first sounded a bit daunting. But my TA said this will be one of the only times we write our own procedures. This is just a welcome to chemistry lab get your feet wet sort of thing.

So, no biggie really. I plot out a few steps, (Do a, b, c, voila I'm done), I write it so a first grader could do it and type it up. And we can edit them after we get them reviewed, so everything's fine.
Before we got to leave though, we had to each talk to our TA. Once again, fine. We lined up like good boys and girls, moving along swiftly. Until the girl in front of me. She's all riled up about something. I only caught snippets (because I wasn't paying attention), but she was getting her short shorts in a twist. Something about how no one's explained how to do this, the lab book didn't give any examples, and how was she supposed to get this right if she didn't know how to do it? So now she's going to have a bad grade and it's the entire chemistry department's fault. OK.
  • First: it's not worth that many points, this will barely be a blip on your over all score.
  • Two: the rest of us in this lab received the same amount of instruction as you did (not much) and managed to complete the assignment panties untwisted.
  • Three, suck it up honey, this is college and no one's going to hold your hand through it.
  • And four: is that a purple feather in your hair? What the hell? Like I'll ever take you seriously now.
I'm still annoyed at her as I get on the bus to go home 15 minutes later. And to add insult to annoyance, there was this old biddy was yelling conversationally to the driver. I had my i-pod turned up all the way and could still hear her clear as a bell. I wanted to yell at her: "SHUT your word hole! Shut it!"

So you know what I learned today? The combination of heat, humidity, hormones and age have contributed to the destruction of my tolerance level. Fortunately, when I came home Bailey attacked me with kisses, and that seemed to make things right.

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