Friday, June 12, 2009

Curse of the Math Class

I must have some sort of curse when it comes to math classmates.

Spring semester was the loud mouth breather. It annoyed and skived me out. And another slightly (slightly because mouth breathing on my neck is the trump card) annoying habit was that he would extend his legs way past his desk; clearly encroaching my personal area. (though mouth breathing clearly violates that bubble already)

This math class the guy behind me isn't a huge step up. While he doesn't skive me out with the moth breathing, he still somewhat annoys me. Dude sends at least 5 text a class so I can hear the click-click-clacking of the keypad directly behind me (probably because he's using my back as a visual shield), and he does the leg stretching thing too. And when he's super bored in class (and I'm assuming that's often because of all the text he sends) he heaves these sighs of exasperation. Not super loud to be rude, but I can feel those on my back. And it's summer and occasionally I will wear a tank top.

How do I pick the seats that put these people behind me?

I could move to the back of the class, but I'm a nerd and I sit closer to the front. And plus, I don't care for the back row of desks, ever since I was a kid. Since we were arranged alphabetically I was typically in the back row of the class. And being a very small kid, this was problematic, because I had to stand up to see the chalk board. And your tush is supposed to stay in your seat, so I was torn between my compulsion to follow the rules or being able to see around the ginormous kids in the front row. This probably is one of the main reasons I want my married name in the top half of the alphabet.

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