Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well Lookie There

So: baggy work out clothes = feel like troll = bad run = pissy Sarah.

Cute running clothes = less trollish = good run = happy Sarah.
Turns out, there's a direct correlation!

Also? I took a spiffier treadmill (you can plug your i-pod into the machine and play with a touch screen) that faces the window so I couldn't see all the cute tan people walk by either (why is everyone live-in-the-tropics-tan by the way? It's March, in Kentucky(and before spring break). Sandy white beaches we do not have.). Hahaha! I can't see you!
But I felt so much better since I was able to keep a 11.34 minute mile pace (thank you treadmill for doing the math for me) that I even went over to the weight station area to do a little arm work. I did (maybe?) 6 reps and said, "pbfft, now
this is boring."

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