Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break

I did the Spring break trip once, my freshman year when I was 18. And it wasn't all that it's cracked up to be really. Number one, I went with my boyfriend at the time and his frat friends. Two, the weather sucked. Spend 4 days cooped up in a hotel with 6 loud smelly frat guys and their girls-of-the-week, you'd start wondering what the hell you got yourself into too. Needless to say, I haven't done the traditional college spring break since. And while I don't party like a rock star anymore, at least I can say I've never done anything I'm completely ashamed of (a few things I'm embarrassed to admit, yes, but ashamed? No).

Well, it's spring break for UK this week. And I can't say I'm itching to go spend a week at the beach with a bunch of underage binge drinkers. Whatever, I don't care if people want to partake in the festivities. That doesn't annoy me. What does though, were all the "come back with a tan, not an std" articles in the school paper in the week leading up to spring break. I want to know how people don't know about these things. Am I the only one who paid attention in sex-ed class in high school? Because that's when I learned all that stuff. I get that at little po-dunk schools might not have a sex ed class due to the sex-makes-you-a-dirty-whore-but-we'll-claim-it's-budget-cuts-so-we-don't-have-to-teach-you-mentality-of-the-south. And I'm fine with a random hookup every now and again, but be safe about it. And if you are not mature enough to take care of yourself sexually, then 9 times out of 10, you pretty much deserve the whore disease.

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