Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Name

So turns out, there's a little glitch in my marry someone in the top-half of the alphabet. I've always intended on taking my husband's name when I got married. Call me old fashioned, but I'm happy to do so. It was just a matter of if I was going to drop my middle or maiden name. (I swear my ex puffed with pride when I told him I was legally taking his name. That made it more real to him maybe?)

In reality I just planed on tacking on the new last name and calling it a day. So legally I would have 4 names (because the hyphen is bull sh*t), but I would sign things with first, maiden and hubby name. (I know it would be easier to just say the actual names, but you're always a google search away, and there are certain people you just don't want reading your life. Course there's the argument I shouldn't write/post anything I don't want some one to read.) I would still have all my names, I just wouldn't say/sign my middle one. Which is what I do now anyway, so I would just have 2 "middle" names I didn't say. Sorta.

Currently, my initials are SAT. Yes, like the test or sat as in past tense of sit. And when I get married my new initials would be ST-top half of the alphabet. But turns out I cannot marry a D or an I. Because then I end up as: STD or STI. (and SAD isn't much better either)

Yeah. Fail

1 comment:

schizm42 said...

yes, buy "SAI!" is a cool samurai sound effect

(not to mention a weapon that raphael of the ninja turtles used)