Sunday, November 30, 2008

Name Game

"Oh no, don't name him that, I had a bad experience with a insert name here." This was a comment someone made at a baby shower when they asked the expectant mom what name she was considering for her unborn child. Well, that's fine and dandy for you honey, but it's not your baby she's carrying and whatever issues you have with what's his face shouldn't really be a factor. What you name your baby technically your prerogative. That being said, there is still no excuse for naming it something stoopid.

I used to work in maternity, so I've seen my fair share of baby names. There has to be a fair amount of pressure in naming your baby. It's your baby's name, kinda a big deal. I understand naming the baby after a family member, weather the name is traditional or not. But even if you give the baby a fairly normal name, what's with the odd spellings, different pronunciations, or random capital letters? Acceptable: Willem (like Willem Defoe). A bit different, traditional Dutch spelling, and can be shortened to Will. Not acceptable: Ieaian = Eian? And why do people insist on naming their children after things? Like Tiara, or Chain. Other names I saw were: Kalebe, NaLia, and my favorite, just plain stupid: Nawloge = knowledge? I'm sad (but mostly amused) to say I'm not making this stuff up.

And what's with celebrities naming their children really stupid names? What, you're not a big enough attention whore that you have to subject your child to your limelight addiction too? Fail. Now I know being a parent is hard, harder then you'll ever imagine. (but absolutely rewarding too I'm told) And you're going to make mistakes along the way, kids don't come with an instruction manual. But why do you have to screw up right from the start with a dumb name? And while you might think what's the harm in giving them a different name, it will help them stand out in a crowd. But apparently there is a direct correlation between odd names and delinquency. Just saying...
(PS, spell check is going ape sh*t over this post)

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