Friday, December 12, 2008

Warped Reality

Some of you may remember this, but back in high school (man, I need more recent stories), the movie Grease was re-released in theaters. Being the group of musical lovers that we are, (seriously) we had to see this together. But the real story isn't how we sang along in the theater (becasue we did, possibly in harmony), it's this:

Like all movies, there were previews. And I was sitting next to my frienemy because she needed as much distance as possible between her and her bff''s boyfriend. She hated him for the reason every girl hates another girl's boyfriend: he took away my friend. Plus she was desperately single (and remained that way through most of high school) as salt in the wound. Well, during one of the previews, she starts tearing up becasue the character on screen had twirled romantically into her Prince Charming's arms. And while dabbing her eyes, she says bitterly, "see, even they have someone."

It was preview for a cartoon movie. A cartoon. A story that someone made up. And then took the time to draw the story that was made up (or embellished for storytelling purposes). She was jealous over a 5 second romantic clip of a cartoon character. Just imagine the face I'm making right now. It's probably close to the same one you're doing.

Well, maybe I shouldn't roll my eyes that much. Because there are times now I find myself unable to watch cute couple romance crap on screen without my eyes welling up (Sex and the City Movie while depressed=baaaad idea, very bad idea). In my defense, I am currently a 26-year-old dealing w/a broken engagement, not a 16-year-old who hadn't had a boyfriend yet. But even then, I raised my eyebrows over this. At least I'm not crying over a cartoon romance. (The Little Mermaid is a different story though, that wedding gets me every time).

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