Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sun Spots Make The World Go Round

At some point the girl dogs have learned they have a sister, and it's been somewhat calmer around here. Granted, they still antagonize each other like sisters, Jules hasn't grasped the Bailey probably wouldn't try to eat my head if I didn't put my head in her mouth concept yet, and Bailey gets jealous and butts in if Mike starts to pet Jules and not her. (I pet Jules and Bails is all whatevs. Mike pets Jules and she barrels in like: Hey! Hey! Me too! Um Bailey, he might like you more if you weren't so crazy. Just saying.)

But sometimes, a little extra help from mother nature helps the calm along. A LOT. Because this is what I had this morning:
a sun spot big enough for two!
A few minutes later one of them hoped up and did something spaztastic and ruined the Kodak moment. But it was nice of mother nature to help out for a moment.
PS: Happy Birthday Amy! (I may have considered the dogs' calm as thier birthday present to you...)

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