Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top Post 2010

In no particular order, my favorite posts and their companions/runner ups from 2010!
  1. Quarters. 2/16/10 Because anything said with my dr friend is hysterical. Runners up are: Appearances Can Be Deceiving and This is why we're friends. 10/5
  2. It's Not a Party Until Someone Looses Their Pants. 1/4 also anything that includes pants (or lack there of) is funny.
  3. Found: One Set of Big Girl Pants, 6/21 (see! pants! funny!) Runners up: check! 5/29 and Upgrade 8/6 since I'm going with a dr soc theme
  4. Hi Pot? It's Kettle! 4/22
  5. Unicorn vs Dragon 10/17 Runner up: My Own Sophie's Choice. Sorta. 6/19
  6. And the results... 3/28 and Run Sarah Run!
  7. Simon Says. 2/28 Simply because it's awesome.
  8. Urban Planning 10/15 snarky.
  9. Compatible 7/11 Just another how awesome we are
  10. Dear Mother Nature 3/23 Snarky and too the point
  11. The Reveal 8/1 Runners up include What if... 5/31 and Future Talk 4/28
  12. Walking 12/19 Go me!

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