Sunday, August 1, 2010

The reveal

Drum roll please......

Dr soc officially accepted a much better job on Friday! He'll be teaching at a community college in Charlotte, NC! He starts in 2 weeks. Gah!

So, yeah, that's part of the big news. The other part is that I'm going to join him there when I'm done with school (in a few months).

I'm excited and scared at the same time. Dr soc and I have had the conversations we needed to have, and we're on the same page. I've heard good things about the city, I'll be closer to my sister and I'm not as far away from my closest friends as I thought I would be. The timing is good for both of us. The only bummer is that we'll be distance for a few months and I will miss him.

But it's only a few months, and there's a definite end point to the distance. He's going to Charlotte to start things up for him and us, and I can to focus on school with little distraction. And the time will go faster then I think.

Things are going to be great.

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