Sunday, August 15, 2010


Me: you got boob our first date.
Dr soc: I did? When?
Me: Yep. When you pulled away after the kiss, your thumb sorta brushed against right here (I point out the area as a visual aid). So it was just a little bit, but yeah.
Dr soc: Oh. Well, that's awesome, way to go me!

Fast forward a few months to my birthday and we're back at the place we had our second date. I realize that I/we hadn't been to Mellow Mushroom since then and point this out to dr soc. It was a much more passionate kiss that night, but he definitely did not get boob then. Which I point out to him as well.

Me: You did not get boob on our 2nd date.
Dr soc: Nope. But I did on the third. ::smirk::
Me: You certainly did. Well played sir.

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