Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My friend and I had finished with yoga class and I had just shown off my mad jumping skills to her. We were walking back to the locker room and I tell her that with my narrow focus on my weight, I didn't notice my stomach was shaping up some too. And that's good, because I want the line. And I also want an ass you can bounce quarters off of.

Her response to this was the bestest ever:

"If had quarters, I would not throw them at your ass. I would probably do something much more useful like buy myself a soda."

Bestest. Ever.


Unknown said...

Were you showing off your skills on the plyo boxes? ;) I keep wanting to do them again, but I get intimidated by all the bulky men at the base gym.

schizm42 said...

I like how you put this post up so soon after posting that you aren't obsessed about your weight =P

but yeah weight is a bad measure of health. And muscle weighs more than fat. in that case, exercising more and weighing the same is GOOD! you're directly replacing fat with muscle / health stuff

Spazzella said...

Yes I was. :) I haven't gotten to the high one yet though, I'm still kinda scared of it.