Monday, February 8, 2010

Nice Guys

Before the Bachelor became Soup fodder, there were high hopes (hell, hopes) for the final rose couple. Now, well, it's soup fodder and the new/next bachelor is introduced as his predecessor is breaking up with the person he picked in the most shocking rose ceremony ever.

But back in the day, there were hopes for happily ever after. By the 5th or 6th one though, the luster had worn of. But before them, there was a rumor floating around that there was an ongoing bet between the bachelors of who could sleep with the most contestants. Yeah, which I totally believe, and I bet someone will get to all 25 at one point. Oh come on, 25 hot (or not in some cases) women, who no matter how many times they look for answers for their daddy issues or why do I always date losers problem at the bottom of a champagne flute (that never seems to go empty), are throwing themselves at the one available guy in the hopes of a rose. And to that I say, it's stupid to put out for a flower. You put out for jewelry, not flowers.

when this rumor was floating around, I actually met one of the former Bachelors at a club, Bob (I sh*t you not). He had just gotten married (of course not to the girl who got the final rose), but he was still a little bit of a reality star at that point. And the friend I was with had just gotten engaged herself. And this is a friend who if she's in a relationship, then she thinks everyone else should be in one too (she's also apparently an expert at all things relationship wise as well when she's in one too). Seeing as she was in a perma-relationship, she now felt it was her duty to get me a boyfriend, and one who would propose.

But anyway, we meet Bob the Bachelor and of course I ask him what's the whole thing like. I had looked at the application form for shits and giggles once, and ultimately decided school was a more viable option rather than being at ABC's beck and call for 2 months of filming plus the additional 6 months of promo shoots, photo ops and re-shoots of the totally candid moments. And of course, I tell this to him. Bob the Bachelor confirmed that whole thing is pretty much nuts and that it was the right choice. My friend, not wanting to be left out of the conversation, points out to Bob the Bachelor that I'm single hot and nice, and I need "a nice guy."

Without loosing a beat, Bob the Bachelor throws back his head and laughs: "you won't find one of those that on the bachelor!"



Bry said...

Sadly, that doesn't stop women from watching...

Spazzella said...

or desperately applying to be on it either