Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Brown Bagging It

I bring my lunch to school because, well, that's what I do. But I also don't want to be at the mercy of what food places are open, what's available, who has the shortest line, or how much cash I have (I only have a few $ on my uk id for printing,). Most places (I think all actually) take credit cards, but that's a temptation I don't want to indulge, because I know how quick that stuff adds up.

My first co-op, I realized how much money I blew on just my lunch. So I started bringing it most days. It takes a little planning, but hey, I like to plan. When I worked at the hospital (in cinci), I always brought it. And while a lot of other people did too, it was surprising that someone as young as me did so (I was a little on the younger side of my coworkers, but not too much).
But yeah, those bought lunches really add up.

So I brown bag it. Well, my lunch bag is one of those reusable-soft-sided insulating ones, but you know what I mean. Brown bag lunches have come a long way from a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a cookie. Nope, not in my lunch box, it's a small matter of pride for me. Where can you get homemade shepherds pie on campus? Or pumpkin soup? Or peanut butter oreos? Yeah, that's right kids, us grown ups bring good stuff in their lunch bags.

But I admit, I'm not above not wanting what I brought that day. Sometimes as I'm studying/eating in the white noise of students' conversations, I look up at the Chic-fil-et or Sabaros, and think, I really, really want that right now.

added 2/4/10: less than 12 hours after this post, guess who bought her lunch and her morning coffee? Yeah, shame. And irony, apparently I'm your bitch

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