Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sh*t I don't have time for

I'm taking 17 credit hours this semester, and 14 of those credits are math and science related. I'm only working part time (which is great), but I still don't have a lot of play time. But I am keeping a mental running list of things I currently don't have time for:
  1. Another fantasy football team
  2. Training Bailey on the invisible fence
  3. My allergies
  4. Regular gym time (I walk an extra 2 miles a day, but it's not the same)
  5. A boyfriend
  6. Anyone under the age of 23
Feel free to add at will!


Bry said...

Kind of makes all that thought on the boyfriend list all for naught, eh?

schizm42 said...

I love # 6