Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This just made me laugh. And it's somewhat related to this post

I admit, I check facebook at least once a day. I check to see if anyone's "said" anything interesting/funny in their status update (it's 50/50 really), update my status about once a week, maybe "like" a few things, and I every now and again slip into stalker mode and I look at pictures of people. (also what's with all my "quote marks?"). I don't 'poke,' pass drinks (wtf, buy me a real one), play the games or take the quizzes (except for important ones: like what kind of dinosaur/weapon combo would you ride into battle? (a raptor and a flame thrower of course), what True Blood character would you be? (Pam, rock!) or how many seconds I would last in a fight against Chuck Norris? (A whole minute. But that's because I would bring a bear to defend me).

I think I've plateaued at 134 friends, and I'm ok with that. It's mostly split between high school and college friends, but a lot more high school. Who(m?) I actually do enjoy keeping in touch with. And I'm glad that we're all on this site so we have a means to do so. The college friends, not so much on the facebook. I do have college (round 1) peeps on it, but we keep in touch in other ways beside it (emails, blogs, twitter, trips). But a significant portion of my 134 facebook friends fall into what I've deemed the "friends" category.**

You know, the people you do know, but aren't really friends with. Meaning, you once had a connection with them, but you don't know the inner workings of their everyday life. And you don't care if you find out either. Nothing too personal, we all moved, grew up and/or apart if it wasn't for the monster of forced social interaction known as facebook, we probably could have lived our lives not really knowing seeing each other again. And some of those "friends," you wonder if they added you only to pad their friends number (oh like you really have 683 friends. Sorry, but no one's that popular in real life)

So to some "friends," I can't help but think in snark mode. And sometimes, I get downright bitchy. Half the time I roll my eyes when "friends" update their status, because it's always stupid stuff. And whenever a former roommate (I've had 30 different roommates, don't even try to decipher who it is) post new pictures, the first thing that pops in my head is: ugh, she's still fat. Guess she's still pretending to have a "thyroid problem."

We'll just add that comment to the list of: why I'm going to hell.

**Disclaimer: if you read my blog, I think you're a real friend and I don't snark about you. (Maybe. Once again, I'm going to hell)

1 comment:

Bry said...

For what it's worth, it's nice to have a deep friends' list (in my case, most of my high school class). Even though I don't talk to 99% of them, it is kind of nice to, at a whim, satisfy that moment of "whatever happened to so-and-so" curiosity (which for me happens more often than I'd like to admit).