Friday, July 31, 2009

Bad doggie

The dog is getting naughty. And not cute puppy didn't know any better naughty. She's pushing her boundaries naughty. She's starting to lay and roll in the sheets rather than on top of the bed. She's nosing through the trash, ripping paper and eating things she shouldn't. And the begging, oh my lord, the begging! Anytime you eat, she walks under the table, nudges you with her nose and looks at you expectantly. She always bugs my dad, because she knows it's inevitable he'll drop something on accident.

When she was a puppy, I was guilty of tossing her oyster crackers, even though my ex told me not to. So one day she's all up in my business when I'm eating, whining and wagging her tail and giving me kisses (bitch knows how to work her angles, puppy kisses make me melt). And the ex shoots me this petulant-look-what-you've-started-look, so I calmly tell her, "no Bailey, you know you can only beg when your daddy's not watching."
(then a day later he tossed her a cracker and I screeched "hey! I saw that!")

But the point is, she's pushing her boundaries. I think I need to get her some new toys and she'll stop trying to take laundry from the couch. I tend to only let her have one or two toys at time. I (we) started this when she was a puppy, because if you give her too many things, she'll think she can play with everything. And I was not going to have my good shoes fall victim to a puppy and chewed within an inch of their life. She never chewed shoes in general though. Not even Mark's hideous ones that I actually gave her to chew. I debated putting a dollop of peanut butter in them so she would go after them with a little more gusto, but thought that would be too obvious (and I would get caught). Though once she nibbled a little I said "good girl!" in front of him. (I hated these shoes) Oh wait, she ate a few of my flip flops.

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