Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th! (and other things)

While America turns 233 today, and the country celebrates with parades and fireworks, clearly, Bailey's 2nd birthday is way more important in my world.

Bailey looks less than enthralled there doesn't she?

But how important you may ask? First though, how cute is she in her 4th of July bandanna? (the correct answer is adorable). Bailey means a lot to me, so I wanted to do something special on her birthday (not that she has any idea what her birthday actually is). So I made her a birthday cake! I was debating if I should go the sweet cake way (peanut butter and honey), or meat cake way (jar of baby food). I went with the meat, because I've been known to give her a dollop of peanut butter every now and again, but I so rarely (never) give her meat or table scraps.

So here she is enjoying her spoils:

She wasn't too sure at first. Sniffing it out. Meat, cheese, and carrot, what's not to love?

But a few bites later:

Cake is AWESOME!

As I'm watching her gobble it up, licking her chops and wagging her tail 1000 times a minute, I thought "I'm just so happy she's 2." And while she's a spaz, has terrible knees, hard to handle in crowds and possibly the worst guard dog ever, she's loved and she's happy.

Happy 4th of July everyone!

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