Monday, July 13, 2009


So today I'm in the library (at school) working on my homework. It's starting to frustrate me and I know it shows because I'm literally pulling at my hair. I look up to clear my head for a second, and I notice that there's a guy facing me at the next table over. And he happens to look up just as I do. I quickly look away because I do not want to make eye contact with him. I'm frustrated and pissy by this point, I know I'm mumbling to myself, so I must look pretty crazy. And no one really wants to keep eye contact with that.

But I'm not the creepy one. Because every time I glance up from my work, the guy's looking at me. You know how you can feel someone's eye boring a hole into you? Yeah, I felt that. Fortunately I needed to use a computer soon after that and went to a different section (and floor) of the library. But I couldn't shake the creepy feeling for a bit.

And then later this evening, at the public library where I work, I know the 14 year old there was giving me the same type of looks I got earlier. You don't think, working in the children's department you'll get checked out or noticed much because your clientele are kids. But kids have parents and older siblings that watch them. And the 14 year old big brother that was there today could not stop looking at my chest. And 14 or not, it's still creepy to be stared at.

It must have been creepy guy at the library day. ::shudder::

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