Sunday, May 16, 2010

Parent's Weekend

As we know, I visited dr soc's parent's this weekend. And I figured that since I was meeting his parents, then he should meet mine when we get back in town. Tit for tit and all that (Jim: thaaaat's not how the saying goes... Dwight K Shrute: Well it should. That's an Office bit for those of you who think I've got my adages wrong). Also, since we were going to be in the same area as Life In Cleveland, we arranged to meet up with them for a bit as well.

All went well. Frankly I'm too tired right now to give that many details. A lot of being on my a-game and best behavior. A lot of getting to know you conversations and some long drives and heavy food. I think everyone's just worn a bit out.

But his parent's like me. (they told him so) My parent's like him. (they told me so when we talked about him as soon as he went to the bathroom) My friends think he seems nice. And all of this makes me happy. Because he makes me really happy.

So now... with the parents milestone passed, I guess we just keep being happy. And we're doing so holding hands.

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