Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bluuuue Christmas Without You

I get why they say it's tough being single during the holidays.

Ever since I started dating, I've always managed to have a boyfriend (or someone I was seeing regularly) around the holidays. (I always seemed to be dating them over their birthday too, but no one was ever around my birthday it seemed) Since I never seemed to be in the single position at Christmas, I never fully grasped how difficult the holidays can be for some.

Even the one Christmas I didn't have a boyfriend, the year before my ex wasn't that bad. It was a sort of reprieve. After years of racking my brain for the just right gift that says everything but at the same time not too much, only to break up a few months later, well, that was a welcome break.

But that was a different single, I knew it was a blip. Now it's oh crap is this status quo? Do I have to give X amount of single holiday's to make up for the coupled ones? That doesn't seem fair. (such is life though) What about the people that have had single Christmases for years, is it their turn now? Are there even turns?

I'll be frank, last year's Christmas sucked. Beyond all sorts of reason, it sucked. Because I was single and two months out of breaking the engagement. So while this year's single isn't nearly as bad (or raw and gaping and painful), it isn't exactly doing anything to bolster my holiday spirit either.

So as much as rolled my eyes, racked my brain for the right gift and carped about the whole ordeal in general, I miss it. I miss it a lot. And I want it back.

I wish Santa was working on that boyfriend from my wish list.

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