Thursday, June 2, 2011


When I was being helpful I discovered this website called ring envy.  There people post pictures of their rings and their proposal stories, and you can collect "envies" on it.  (I guess that's comparable to collecting likes on your facebook status).  And you can also list the stats of your ring, such as the band metal, the color, clarity, and cut grades, and oh yeah, the price. (figuratively that is.  But I think I'm safe to assume that a $$ ring is less than a $$$$$$ ring.).  I got 1 page into it and said 'holy narcissism batman!" and vowed to myself (and dr soc) I would not be like that.

Now that I have a beautiful, beautiful ring, I love love love wearing it and showing it off.  And it's fairly unique too, I don't know of anyone else who has my stone shape and setting, or the two combined.  Which is another reason I love love love it.  But it doesn't feel right to snap a picture of it and post it to the interwebs for all the world to see.  I don't need to collect envies on it to love it more.  It came from dr soc, and yes it totally ROCKS, and that's what matters to me.

But if you do want to see a picture, just ask.  I have plenty to show!

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