Sunday, June 19, 2011


Happy Father's Day!
My dad's disease had progressed, and it's doing so pretty rapidly.  Of course, any progression is rapid and it's too fast for any of us.  My dad's honestly, just, not all there anymore.
Yes. It's heartbreaking.  Yes, it's unbelievably frustrating.  And yes, I selfishly feel sorry for myself and my family and that we're going through this.   
But. My dad is my dad.  And though he's different, he's still here.  And I would rather have him not all there than not at all.  He'll always be my daddy.  He'll still hold my hand to cross the street.  And I will always love him.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Especially mine.  I will always be his little girl.  Daddy, you will always be daddy. I will always love you, and nothing will ever change that. 

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