Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nomad No More

The other day I threw a small cardboard box into the recycling bin.  Why is this note worthy you may ask?  Because for a very long time, I never broke down a box or threw it away unless it was too damaged to be used again.  I've pretty much kept almost every single box I've ever received and still have the original packaging most of my stuff came in.

This mainly started in college.  I unpacked my new shiny dorm things from their original containers and then also kept the boxes my mom sent care packages in,  Yes, my roommates thought that was a little odd.  But when it was time to move out of our dorm room, guess who could pack all of her stuff and had a few left over to share?  Yep.   In my defense, at the time I was moving a lot.  I knew that every place I moved to, I would be moving out of in less than a year and would have to pack everything up all over again.  When I was on co-op, I moved every 3 months.  But why did I keep the original containers?  Because what better way to pack something than in a box specifically shaped for it?  Seriously! Ok, little ocd there too. 

So yeah, I keep boxes.  But I was getting tired of living a nomadic lifestyle.  Before I moved to Charlotte I counted how many times I moved, and realized this relocation would be number 20.  So I declared it my last move.  I would not be packing up all my worldly goods and shoving them into my protegee ever again (also, I had a new car at that point).  I don't need to collect or keep anymore boxes.  Old habits die hard, but dr soc is fearful I may be slightly a hoarder, so he pushed for me get rid of the packaging.  Eventually, recycling these things just came naturally.  So when I threw that small box in recycling bin without even thinking, I realized:

I am a nomad no more!

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