Friday, October 17, 2008

My forray Into the World of Teen Fiction (thanks for the title lb!)

I'm currently reading the Princess Diaries Series by Meg Cabot. Much better then Twilight series. The Diaries series is a fun read, and I can usually polish a book off in a day or two. And that's without skipping whole pages like I did with another teen series. Ahem, Twilight. You could skip 20 pages in those book and the characters were still whining about their insipid little who-loves-who-more argument. My friend over at my mom thinks im pretty summed all the books hilariously, along with 4 little words: god I hate teenagers. I whole heartedly agree. I also stole the title of this blog from her too. I love my friends.

Anyway, Diaries, much more fun. Granted they are still for teenagers, and they are very, very teenage girl. If your looking for a deeper meaning of your own life though reading, you won't find it in Mia's (main character) babbling. And if you think you will (in these books I mean), then you're a bit sad in my opinion. But I'm not asking for these books to change my life, I'm just looking for some mind fluff and it delivers. And all the covers are pink! Pink! And have a tiara on them! Seriously, how could I not give them a try? They're pink!

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