Thursday, July 8, 2010

Weight Limit

Dr soc has a cute (and much better behaved than mine) dog. Jules (his) is sweet, friendly and playful, and I really like her. She's black and white and about 20 lbs which is small, but she's a beefy 20 lbs.
Small but beefy. And adorable

Also? She's gassy. That dog can clear a room. I was cat napping through a movie and woke up due to the smell when Jules let one in my lap. In fairness to Jules, not all of them are toxic, but like humans, the quieter they are, the worse they smell. However, the noisier they are, the funnier they are. The other day she was climbing all over me and a long whoopee cushion sound comes out of her butt. Being the mature people that we are, dr soc and I double over and continue to laugh until tears fall from our eyes. Meanwhile, Jules looks between us and smiles, completely unabashed.

So when I say she's 20 lbs, she really is. But I'm pretty sure that at least one of those pounds is gas.

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