Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Have the Bad Dog

When dr soc's dog and mine get together, they immediately start attacking each other with play. It's pretty chaotic. Now, we are glad it's chaotic on the play end of the scale and not the fighting/aggressive end, but we really needed peace between the two of them for our sake. (he's rarely in the mood to mess around on nights I bring Bailey over because it's stressful.)

Bailey and Jules have similar personalities, which is part of the pandemonium. Bailey's a full grown spaz and it takes little to get her riled up and in full spaz mode. All it takes is a swat/kiss from Jules and they take off barreling through the house. And Jules only needs about 10 seconds to recharge, so no sooner has Bailey tired out, Jules instigates and the rough and tumble continues.

Jules: I will swat your bottom and/or face in 10 seconds.
Bailey: that little one is relentless!

This couldn't go on. They met 3 months ago and they were no where close to calming down around each other. So after talking to my vet, she said a (dog) trainer was the way to go and gave me a card. So I swallowed my pride and signed us up for a private dog training lesson to get our girls under control.

I have the bad dog.

Ok, so the trainer didn't actually say that, but Bailey was the one who got all the obedience lessons. Subsequently, she got all the treats too because she was the one getting all the lessons. Bailey gets inconstant training/treatment between myself and my parents which is part of her obedience issues. However, I was informed that dogs don't generalize well, so we can train her to know dr soc's place is a place to be calm and good. And dr soc and I are on the same page with Bailey and Jules, so it's a start.

Jules: she took both toys again!Bailey: whatever, I'm the one who got all the hot dogs.
Jules: damn. good point.

But still. I have the bad dog. Ouch.

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