Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Conversation between 2 friends
Friend 1: Oh, the dating world......people ONLY go out on weekday dates here. Weekend dates are only for couples. NEVER for first dates. Too many rules. I hate dating.
Friend 2: Dating does have too many rules!

I had my 1st and 2nd date w/dr soc on weeknights, which is what spurred the above conversation. When I told my girlfriends about the 1st date (of course I did. I was excited, there was an emoticon involved), friend 2 had a problem with it being a weeknight date. Aren't I weekend worthy? (of course yes, but well, it's a first date)

But friend 2 is married and well, not hip to the dating rules. So friend 1 had to explain some of the single world to her. But there's one thing we all agreed on: dating does have way too many rules. And honestly, none of us, single or married, really understand them either.

I certainly don't. Proper time frames, what to wear, if and when to put out, what you can and cannot ask/say/do depending on what number/type of date you are on... The list is extensive, exhaustive and just plain ruley. Being a compulsive rule follower that I am, of course I obey. I may not understand all of them, but I still play by them anyway.

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