Friday, July 1, 2011

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Coffee may keep Alzheimer's at bay according to this study.  That's great. It really is.
But, that doesn't fix my dad.  Because he doesn't have Alzheimer's, he has dementia.  Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia, so we're dealing with a different monster.  It's just that Alzheimer's gets all the attention.
Because what about the rest of us suffering from the other types of dementia? (WARNING: DO NOT GO DOWN THE INTERNET RABBIT HOLE OF HEALTH)  Why aren't there studies for my dad's disease?  Why doesn't his condition, which is the worst of the fucking worst getting the research, the breakthroughs, the drugs and the press that Alzheimer's does?  Why don't we even get a sliver of good news? 

I don't believe that the doctors and researchers are doing nothing.  I know this disease is so complex and uncharted territory.  I don't think that any disease is less worthy of study (well, maybe peripheral diseases like ED and constant dry eyes.  Seriously. let's fix people's brains before we worry about how to let old men have boners)  I empathize for people and family struggling with Alzheimer's, I do.  It's heartbreaking to be in this situation and to see someone you love struggle.  I'm just angry and I miss my dad.  I want some good news.  But what I really want, is hope.

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