Thursday, July 21, 2011

Boy Logic

mike: I'm going to start some laundry.
me in my head: what an awesome husband to be!
me out loud: Cool. What are you going to wash?
mike: The whites. Or the colors. Do you have more pressing need for either of those?
me: Nope.
mike: Ok. Though they are both sort of small, I may combine the loads.
me in my head: NOOOOOOO!!!
me out loud: Um, don't do that.
mike (slightly confused): Uh, ok. How come?
me in my head: Seriously he doesn't know that? That's like a cardinal rule of laundry!  Oh, right, I live with a boy.
me out loud: The colors could bleed.
mike: Um ok...
me in my head: quick, must think of another reason justifying 2 small loads of laundry! Oh! Our washer is smart! Yes! That may work!
me: Honey, we have a smart washer, it knows how much water to use.
mike: Oh. Ok. Really?
me in my head: Hell if I know.
me out loud: Yep.
mike: ok
me in my head: Phew!

Darling, I love you more than words can ever say and I appreciate everything you do.  Forgive me, I just couldn't help but tease a little.

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