Thursday, November 12, 2009

Power Hungry

I find power incredibly attractive. I like it, I want it, and I like the people with it if I don't have it.

Now, though I find power itself attractive, that doesn't mean I necessarily find the person with it attractive. Mainly my bosses, though it doesn't hurt anything. Most of my bosses have been women or gay men though. And the strait male bosses were married, seriously immoral bastards, and I wasn't attracted to them. Well ok, not all of them were like that. And I will cop
up (hehe, authority pun intended) to having wanted to hook up with a boss based on looks alone. In a quick-dirty-hot-tryst-in-the-office-and-never-tell-anyone-out-of-shame-sorta way. (Not that it happened. I wasn't single at the time, and oh yeah, you don't shag your boss. Business 101)

But anyway, I'm not a person who has a "problem with authority." For example, my chemistry TA is 3 years younger than me. And yeah, I cringed when I learned that, but meh. But my lab partner, captain obvious, said "hey, she's younger that you. And she's telling you what to do!"

Me: "She's telling all of us what to do. And so what? She's the grad student, not me."

It's not the end of the world to obey the rules. And I understand that power can be abused (like so many other things, like power point and a magic wand (I know, wtf? These thing just pop in my head, I swear)), but fortunately I haven't been on the receiving end or witnessed it first hand. But then, I also don't mind making or enforcing the rules either. And if I had a magic wand and/or super power(s), I'm pretty sure I would abuse it at some point. And by some point, I mean all the freaking time. Oh like you wouldn't either.

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