Thursday, February 5, 2009

I deserved the hangover

Last Saturday, my bartender friend plunked down a shot in front of me, and said, "those guys bought this for you." Seeing as I learned absolutely nothing in college the first time, I looked over, smiled, raised my glass and took the thing without asking what it was. And I should have, because I did a shot of Patron coffee (which is really good). But I did a tequila shot without even thinking. No wonder I was a giggling couldn't stand up strait no way in hell I was driving home that night fool (my bartender friend took me home). The sun was unusually cruel in the morning. And why was the snow sparkling so loud too?

Also, that night I gave my number to a guy in the bar. And he wasn't the one who bought me the Patron either, though he did see me receive, toast and take the thing. And three days later (right on schedule in boy time), he called (?) and asked me out. I think I will accept the date, since I wasn't actually expecting him to call anyway. From what I remember, he wasn't bad looking, he had dark hair, and he's a law student. (ooh I got asked asked out! That never really happens!)

But I'm staying away from the booze just in case.

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