Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Step Up

I was putting some clothes away at work and I walked by one of the numerous graphics like you do. I was in then men's athletic section so I wasn't too familiar with the section in general, let alone the graphics.  But I saw one on the side of a fixture that caught my eye because the male model looked really familiar to me for some reason.

I thought it may be one of the stock models the brand uses frequently so I had seen him in other ads before. But I've never payed that much attention to Fila so I knew that couldn't be it.  So maybe I had seen him in a movie or tv spot recently.  And then after mulling it over for a bit, it suddenly dawned on me where I had seen this model:

He was the male lead in Step Up 3D.

And no, I am not ashamed to admit that is where I recognized him from.  And, it also explains why he couldn't act either.

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