Sunday, February 5, 2012


The first time Mike made me dinner we had sweet potatoes, and so he put the giant tub of butter on the table just in case I wanted some. Since he was a single man at the time (though, he wasn't for much longer after that date, but that's neither here nor there) I found the proportion of one guy and a giant tub of butter pretty funny. But I had to know why, so I asked.  His response was along the lines of: that's just how we do things.
Growing up, his family always kept the family sized tub of spread, and like a lot of things, it just carried over into his adult life.  His parents have the giant tub, his brother has the giant tub, so he has the giant tub.  I learned it was one of his things and I did what any girlfriend does: mocked.  Then eventually planned to phase this out after I moved in.

However, he goes through the little tubs pretty fast. I started seeing the economical side of the giant tub. True, it takes up a lot of space in the fridge, but it is a lot cheaper to buy one giant one over the course of 3 months than 6 little ones.  And one Sunday, we go grocery shopping together, and I tell him we need tub butter (real butter, the stuff in sticks, is simply referred to as butter in my house).  He gives me this hopeful look, and I buckled. And so now we always have the giant tub in the fridge.

A few weeks after the butter acquisition, we went up to visit his parents along with his brother and sister-in-law. We're having breakfast, and Mike is searching for the spread for his toast with no avail.  He asks his mom where it is, and she tells him it's the small tub in the door.

Mike is shell shocked to say the least.  How could this be? They've always had the giant tub of butter. it's how they do things! And then his sister-in-law pipes in that they switched too, they now use the spray stuff.  Crestfallen, Mike cries out: "I just got her (me) on the giant tub train!"

Poor Mike, he felt a little betrayed.  Though, I probably wasn't helping much by cackling from my chair was I?

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