Monday, February 13, 2012

peanut butter w/a touch of crack

When Bailey was a puppy, I had to learn how to give her lots of pills in a short amount of time, what with  her parvo and knee surgeries an all (see: million dollar dog. see also: why I'll never want another puppy*).

With the parvo, hiding the pills in her food didn't work, so she took her pills in the pill pockets the vet gave us for a while. However, those pill pockets ran out but the pills didn't. And those pill pockets aren't exactly pocketbook friendly either, so I wasn't chomping at the bit to buy her a whole lot more of them (not to mention that someone said they would pick some up from the vet and then someone never did).  And then when the knee surgery, she was taking 10-12 pills a day. No way was going to buy a new bag of pill pockets every few days, especially after a $1000+ surgery alone.(though, I would imagine that part of the $1000 included the morphine drip.  Which, I know made her comfortable when she was alone, so it was worth every penny) So I learned the quickest, most efficient way to give Bailey pills is to literally, shove them down her throat. It wasn't exactly the nicest way, and yes she ran aways from me the second she swallowed, but she got her meds. (and forgot about in 2 minutes time and was cuddling right back up to me). I just figured that this was the way Bailey would take pills from now on.

Until I met dr soc. He gave Jules her allergy pills and any other medication via crunchy peanut butter.  And peanut butter, is crack to dogs. Bloody 'effing brilliant if you ask me. One day I tried it with Bailey, which, OHMYGOD a billion times easier.  She snarfed it down, licked her chops and wagged her tail in hopes for more. Now, lesson learned, Bailster always gets her pills** with a healthy side of doggie crack!
* No honey. No puppy. I don't care how much sharktopus and dinocroc say i want one. they are liers***.
**With pills it's ok to take with food that is. empty stomach pills go down the old fashioned way
***Yes, I just called my future children liers. Don't judge me.

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