Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ode to Coffee

As much as some people love coffee (myself included), just as many others loathe it. And there are plenty of others who have no opinion either way and live without it somehow. Dr soc falls into the last group. He doesn't drink it himself but he doesn't really have an opinion about it either. So he doesn't keep coffee or a way of making it in his house. And why would he really? A girlfriend of mine suggested I get a coffeemaker and the accoutrement for his place. Perhaps he should get me that for my birthday... Though this flies directly in the face of my appliance/practical gift veto...

However, in the morning, I need a cup of coffee. I get a lack of caffeine headache if I don't have any within a few hours of waking up. So when I spend the night over there, I usually have to leave fairly soon after I wake up. Not only so we can both get ready for our days in peace, but also because I'm going to need caffeine soon enough.

He knows this and it's no big deal. He's never once tried to tell me coffee is evil (no it's not, it's actually good for you), that caffeine is a monster (I love that monster. I pet and love and feed that monster) or that it smells great but tastes awful (which is not true because it both smells and tastes like heaven). But once I was just about to leave and I could feel the beginnings of a headache starting to form. Knowing that a headached Sarah is not a happy Sarah, he mentions that he may have some instant stuff if I really need it.

And while it was very sweet of him to try to attend to my plight, the second he mentioned instant I responded with a: "Oh god no!

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