Thursday, January 26, 2012

Party Planner

I am a party planner.  It's my dream job (that is after the head librarian for NPR and if that doesn't work out, the fallback is a dragon tamer (what?)).  And, I'm getting married in 4 months. (squeee!!!!) 

Anyway, my bridal posse/henchmen/entourage is in the midst of planning my shower and bachelorette party, which I'm just so excited and tickled pink about.  I'm just as excited for those as I am about the wedding.It is a party for me (and by some extension dr soc) and my lovely ladies are hosting. I'm doing my best to stay out of it, trust them (which I do, completely), and not suggest stuff. 

As a bride I'm excited and happy and just so thankful to have such wonderful people in my lives to do this for me. Though I have to admit, the party planner in me is going nuts!

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