Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Merely Flesh Wound

The other night I tried a new recipe and made a pot of black bean soup in the crockpot.  I didn't read the instructions all the way through (rookie mistake), but it was only 2 steps so it's not like the cooking world stopped. Step 1 is to throw everything in the crockpot and cook on low for 8* hours. Done. Step two was to remove the pork blade ribs and bones from the soup after cooking, shred the meat that is falling off the bone and but it back into the soup that you have used and an emulsion blender on to puree it. Except that I don't have an emulsion blender.  But that's ok, because I do have a stand blender that I can ladle the soup into.  So I put half the soup into the blender, place the lid on, and hit puree.
The lid of the blender popped right off, but I still had my hand on the lid and was able to catch it before it flew completely off and put it back into place before I coated my kitchen in black bean soup. But, because I still had my hand on the lid, some of the soup splashed out of the blender and onto my wrist.  This is liquid that has been in cooking in the crockpot for 6 hours, and it's near boiling. In other words, really, really hot. Burn worthy hot. So when it hits my wrist, I cry out in pain.

So all Mike hears is the blender being turned on and then me crying in pain. He's terrified I've just crushed my hand. He's in the kitchen in half a second, frantically asking if I'm ok and what happened.  By this point I had had enough sense to turn off the blender, turn around and run cold water over my wrist, but it still hurts pretty fierce, and I'm still a little too shaken up to tell him what happened one way or the other.  But I manage to take a breath and tell him, that yes, I am ok, I just burned** my wrist pretty bad.

Mike's reaction? "oh thank god, just a burn!"  

*I cheated and did 2 hours on high and 4 hours on low in order to eat sooner.  I have a very hungry man to feed at regular intervals or else he gets cranky. Though I get cranky too if I don't eat, so this goes both ways and we always make sure to feed one another.
**At most it was a 2nd degree burn in some spots. There's a little redness and some skin tenderness, but everything is fine.

Oh, and by the way, the soup was yummy!        

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