Wednesday, February 2, 2011

White Noise

I live in a new house. And not new in the new to me sense, but new as in we're (dr soc) the first owners. The houses next door, across the street and all 5 lots down the street are also new construction and/or currently being built. Including the house right next door to us.

Needless to say, I live in a construction zone. And a construction zone has a cacophony of construction noises such as hammering, drilling, heavy machinery beeping and rapidly spoken Spanish. Which can be annoying at 7 AM (seriously, 7 AM) but eventually it becomes white noise in a way.

The dogs, not so much. Not only do they make the effort to bark at every hammering, drilling, heavy machinery beep rapidly spoken Spanish noise they hear in the am, they also gave themselves the task of barking and/or growling at any construction worker that dares to walk in front of our house.

Hey! Hey! We see you! we're in here and you're out there but we see you and we want you to know it!

But eventually, they settle down. (I stress the eventually. There's always a storm of spaz before the calm). The 3 of us girls will sit on the couch on our respective sides, while the dogs nap and the human job searches/blogs/emails/twitters ect. All is quiet on the western front.

And then, I hear a huge crash coming from upstairs. And not a construction site crash, this sound came from inside the house. Because all 3 of us are accounted for on the couch, and dr soc is off making a living, I snap into attention mode. And having learned nothing from horror movies, my non-virgin, large chested self ventures up the stairs to check what the noise was.

It was the full length mirror falling off the wall because the command strips apparently suck. And the mirror didn't break either, which I didn't think it had because I hadn't heard a shatter accompanying the crash. (and I'm exempt from the 7 years bad luck thing now, because I broke 2 mirrors within a few years of each other as a kid and within that time frame my appendix ruptured and I went through middle school. I've had more than my fair share of that superstition and karma can throw me a bone.)

The dogs? Didn't bat an eyelash. In fact, each one curled up into even tighter ball of napping dog. Hammering outside the house? Bark! Bark! Bark! Grrrr! A crash inside the house. Nada. Worst. Guard dogs. EVER.

1 comment:

The Boy said...

Congrat for your blog. Very neit and rich