Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Out of Your League

Ok, so even though I know I'm cute and funny and smart and charming and nice and all that other stuff that makes me out of many guys' league (did I mention I'm snotty too?), I didn't really know what caliber of guy I would get on a dating site. Turns out, when you are serious about finding someone (aka: pay $), the dating site ups their ante and sends actual possible contenders. Since I had listed education being important to me, many of my prospects were or had been in grad and/or professional school.

And school is important to me, but it's also a very sensitive subject as well. Remember at the time I had just changed my major to sociology and I was a year away from my bachelor, so to me I had nothing. (I worked my ass off and I have a degree now, and I have every right to be proud of that. But by no means has all been forgiven and forgotten with uc.) So here I am "communicating" with these guys who could see my lack of a degree a deal breaker. (Yes, I realize that someone who would immediately discount me based on my education status is a douche and I didn't want to be with them anyway. But still, I worried.)

Dr soc had listed he had made it through grad school on his profile, but I figured he meant masters (which he has as well) because most of the guys who were in a PhD program said they were in a PhD program. Clearly I was wrong. Because this is how I found out he had his PhD and this is how I reacted:

me: (via eharmony pre-written in depth questions): what are you most proud of in life?
dr soc: (via eharmony response) I received my PhD in sociology in August.
me: uuuuh, f*ck. He better not quiz me if he asks me out...

--2 weeks later on our first date (because he did ask me out and I of course said yes) as we discussed our families--

dr soc: my brother has his PhD in psychology. So between us we have the social sciences covered.
me (smiling and laughing because we are on a date and that is what you do when you really like someone and want them to kiss you at the end of the evening): Nice!
me (in head): F*CK!

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